If American's had the ability to ignore party lines for a minute, the comparison would likely aggravate Democrats and elate Republicans.
Bush's Legacy:
1.) Showed up in 1-20-09 on a platform or conservative values and smaller government.
2.) Had his plan tested with 9-11.
3.) Executed a justified response in an un-Republican manner.
4.) Began a Congress supported, veto-proof spending blitz.
5.) As a result, government grew, and monetary supply was needed, thus the overly lax FOMC policy.
6.) Responded to Recession with anti-Republican 1x stimulus checks that did nothing.
7.) Allowed Paulson and Co to support the socialization of American Capitalism.
8.) Choked on a Pretzel.
Obama's Path:
1.) Ran on a platform of Marxist/Socialist values.
2.) Surrounded himself with terrible friends and confidants.
3.) Proposed tax increases for the 'rich'
4.) Gets elected and it all changes.
5.) Starts building a cabinet, back tracks on liberal campaign promises, makes it harder for the auto's to get bailed out.
5.) Keeps Gates in charge of the war.
6.) Marginalizes Reid and Pelosi (see below.)
But Obama ultimately will have to continue down a path of conservative values to prove he is Reagan-lite. The stimulus package could ultimately lead to a death spiral of inflation that rips apart domestic capitalism. But based on the transformation from candidate to President-elect, I am hopeful (terrible strategy to be hopeful vs. realistic, but what choice do we have?) that the stimulus package is ultimately spent a little more pragmatically over time, similar to how the first New Deal was supposed to be executed before everyone folded to the "GET THE MONEY SPENT TODAY BEFORE ITS TOO LATE" mentality."
Bush? Not a Republican. Yes, he is still a social conservative, but do we care more about Gay Marriage or dominating the global financial landscape? I take the latter and leave the former to people's own personal choice.
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