Tuesday, January 20, 2009

US Banking Bailout Take 75...Action

The WSJ is out with yet another potential government bail-out for the banking industry. The Obama administration, no doubt, planted the article as a feeler to see public response. But given Obama and the money-tree (Holy Cow its Phil Rizzuto...RIP) appear to have no bounds and no checks and/or balances in the new economic team, and the public is brainwashed to believe this is just free money to make them feel better with little to no long-term consequences, a feeler article/idea is just as good as gold these days anyway. So tonight, when you turn on CSPAN (maybe I am the only loser watching, but whatever) and you see the scare-crow...AKA Nancy P...she will undoubtedly talk about a new bailout as if it were A.) Her Idea and B.) Another example of where Bush failed. (Note to all the blind-folded Democrats that think Bush was a big spender...You have know idea what you are in for with your new fearless leader.)

Meanwhile, the cover of the Journal talks about Obama seeking a new era of "FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY." So his down-payment on RESPONSIBLE is a $2T deficit, which he will then over-tax (ever look at the Laffer Curve Mr. Prez?), which will then lead to a massive revenue short-fall, which will then lead to a another Greenspan era of over-lending to generate the Government's whopping 1.2X multiplier....

And you wanted to be long the dollar? Good one! No, the other countries aren't as bad as us or worse because they accept they are socialists. We keep trying to run a free-market capitalist society in the construct of a socialist fiscal system. That's why Bush failed...Low taxes is a way to speed up the private sector and shrink the government. He tried to lower taxes and spent like a mad-man.

Thanks for pissing me off Mr Journal. I know it's not your fault, but how about an article on Palestinian's bombing Israel 3hrs into a cease fire? Oh, that's Israel's fault too..they shouldn't have worn black suits since Palestinian's hate black.

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